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How to escape single-quotes within single-quoted strings in bash

事情的始末是这样的。那天我部署了一个 Kapacitor ,然后尝试调用它的rest api添加一个Task。然而令我没想到是,习惯了使用 curl 的我,这次竟然迟迟没有搞定这个这个rest接口。

Kapacitor的这个接口其实很简单,就是往 /kapacitor/v1/tasks 这个地址 POST 一段JSON数据。然而这个JSON数据中有一个要命的 script 字段,这个字段中又有单引号出现。我用的命令如下。

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
    "id" : "quote1",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps": [{"db": "udp", "rp" : "autogen"}],
    "script": "stream|from().measurement(\'quote\')|alert().crit(lambda: \"price\" < 174).log(\'/tmp/price1.log\')",
    "status": "enabled"
' ""

我想当然地认为,在单引号中出现单引号就用 \ 转义,然而我错了。

./ line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./ line 8: `    "script": "stream|from().measurement(\'quote\')|alert().crit(lambda: \"price\" < 174).log(\'/tmp/price1.log\')",'

于是我用 Google 搜索, 本文的标题。得到了一个解决方案,调整后的脚本如下。

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
    "id" : "quote1",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps": [{"db": "udp", "rp" : "autogen"}],
    "script": "stream|from().measurement('"'"'quote'"'"')|alert().crit(lambda: \"price\" < 174).log('"'"'/tmp/price1.log'"'"')",
    "status": "enabled"
' ""

然而仔细一想,这好像哪里不对 measurement('"'"'quote 此处的一坨引号,实际是将原本的一个长串断开成了 '...measurement('"'"'quote...' ,所以严格意义上这并不算 escape ,并且这很丑。

然后我在这篇 找到了另外的一些解决方案。

echo $'It\'s Shell Programming'  # ksh, bash, and zsh only, does not expand variables
echo 'It'\''s Shell Programming' # all shells, single quote is outside the quotes

这里的第二种方法,实际上和前面的说的那种是类似的,这是是把这个字符串,拆成了 'It'\''s Shell Programming' 三部分。重点说一下第一个方法。

bashManual 里有这么一段话:

Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard. Backslash escape sequences, if present, are decoded as follows:


alert (bell)





an escape character


form feed


new line


carriage return


horizontal tab


vertical tab



single quote


double quote


the eight-bit character whose value is the octal value nnn (one to three digits)


the eight-bit character whose value is the hexadecimal value HH (one or two hex digits)


a control-x character The expanded result is single-quoted, as if the dollar sign had not been present.

所以在单引号前面加个 $ 这样的字符串,可以理解为是一个类似C语言中的字符串。于是之前的命令就可以改成下面的样子了。

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $'
    "id" : "quote1",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps": [{"db": "udp", "rp" : "autogen"}],
    "script": "stream|from().measurement(\'quote\')|alert().crit(lambda: \\"price\\" < 174).log(\'/tmp/price1.log\')",
    "status": "enabled"
' ""

没想到在这个简单的问题上我花费了那么多时间。所以要经常 RTFM 啊。


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